Color Study

A collection of my experiences about the properties of colors on expressing the functional and emotional attributes of products, artifacts, and experiences through color theory, color psychology as relates to the human perception of color, and colorimetry, including light and optics, and color assessment.

Background Effects

One color look likes Two colors
Two colors look like one color

Vision Errors

Vibrant boundaries
Vanishing boundaries
White color looks warmer, cooler, Lighter and darker

Transparency effects

3 colors | Middle Mixture Transparency

Colors' Amount Effects

Conveying Silence/ Salty Taste
Conveying Chaos/ Sour Taste
Conveying Danger/ Sweet Taste

Color Craft

Brightening the color of the leaves in contrast with the background color

Transformation to another key

Decreasing color values in four equal steps
Decreasing the color values in four steps
Comparison test of color values in each step

Bezold Effect

Although each color looks lighter on a black background than the white background, the right half of the triangle looks lighter than the left one.